Your Solution Oliver subscription automatically renews depending on the terms you’ve chosen during sign up. This enables you to send requests and have access to our platform. 

There are three terms that we offer to our clients: monthly, quarterly, and annual. If you signed up on the 10th day of the month and you're on a quarterly subscription, your next billing will fall on the 10th day 3 months later.

Unsure about your exact sign-up date? You can check your billing date by viewing your Services/Products. 

Expired Memberships and Failed Payments 

When your membership automatically renews, we charge the credit card you provided upon sign up. If we can’t charge your card, your account will eventually expire, and you will no longer have access to your files.

After the initial failed payment, you will receive a notice from us. We will make additional attempts to charge your card every two days for one week.

After the final attempt, if the charge still fails, your account is canceled and will automatically close.

Updating Your Credit Card Information

In order to prevent the unexpected closure of your account, be sure to keep your credit card information updated. 

You can update it in your Account Details, Payment Methods section.

Then click the Edit button to update your credit card or Add a New Credit Card