Have a question that wasn't already answered here? Don't worry. There are several ways to get in touch with the Solution Oliver team.

For Design Related Issues
First, if you are a client and this is a task related issue, please send your feedback and thoughts to your creative team first. Not everything turns out perfect the first time and the fastest path to a great design is clear and direct feedback! If you feel you've given your team feedback multiple times and are still not getting the output you would like, please contact our accounts team and they'll get a developer/designer swap started for you.
For All Other Issues
If you’ve already talked with your developer/designer about an issue and still need help, or your issue is not task-related, you can contact our Customer Success Team at help@solutionoliver.com.
If you’re thinking about signing up for Solution Oliver and want to chat with someone about our service, you can email sales@solutionoliver.com or fill out our contact form.